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Mobile Devices, The Future of Customer Experience.

Tue 18/7/2017

An increasing percentage of customers use mobile devices in every aspect of their life.  Consumers use their mobile devices to get information through reading news, or...

5 Things Candidates Want

Wed 12/7/2017

Do you want incredible candidates queuing at your door? Simply covering the basics might not be enough to attract a good quality of candidates you require and just by including a...

Is Your Company Diverse?

Tue 11/7/2017

Diversity in a Work Place. Recent government reports have placed a huge emphasis on how organisations have treated minority ethnic employees. This has caused organisations to make...

Modern Technology at Work

Mon 10/7/2017

CEO’s fear their company growth being hindered by inability to quickly understand and adopt modern technology. A high percentage of workforce today say technology makes them more...

5 ways to Protect your Company’s Reputation 

Fri 30/6/2017

Protecting your company’s reputation is essential but how can you ensure any damage is kept to a minimum? Here we list fives ways you can reduce the risk. 1. Implement a robust...

Clever HR Breakfast

Fri 30/6/2017

Clever HR and The Old Rectory Clinic kicked off their inaugural Healthy HR Breakfast with a select group of local businesses in the South Gloucestershire area. The purpose of...

Want to ‘sniff’ out the best candidates?

Wed 3/5/2017

A university in Edinburgh has come up with a novel way to help put their candidates at ease during the interview process by incorporating dogs on the selection panel! According to...

The Expo line up! May 9th

Tue 25/4/2017

How exciting! With just 2 weeks until the first South Glos Expo, the line-ups been announced! We’re thrilled that Victoria will be running a Clever workshop on ‘How to interview...
