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Free HR and Auto Enrolment Seminar - December 9th in Chipping Sodbury, Bristol

Tue 13/9/2016

Not long now until our Talent Management seminar! This FREE event will provide you with an insight into Health Insurance, the Pension Auto Enrolment process and the fundamentals...

The Importance of Talent Management (FREE Seminar Dec 9th '16)

Wed 20/7/2016

“Talent Management is the process by which an organisation identifies, manages and develops its people now and for the future” (Cannon and McGee, 2011).  Through the use of a...

Healthy addition teams up with Clever!

Thu 14/7/2016

We are delighted to confirm that we have teamed up with Bristol based Steve Windaybank, who is a healthcare Partner of insurance provider WPA. Steve will add another string to the...

42 under 42 result!

Thu 14/7/2016

The glad rags were on as a great night was had by all attendees last Thursday for the 42 under 42 Insider Media event, held at The Bristol Hotel. Our congratulations goes out to...

James gets Insider Media nomination

Mon 4/7/2016

We are delighted to announce that James our MD has been nominated for the South West 42 under 42 Business Awards. It has been all go of late, we have recently celebrated our 1...

Are ISA’s in Demand or are Pensions the Preference?

Wed 25/5/2016

According to research by Canada Life, more clients are seeking advice on annuities, pensions and self-invested personal pensions over ISA’s following the introduction of pension...

Will I ever Retire?

Mon 16/5/2016

For many young workers it will be a case of lose out now and put more money in their pensions fund or lose out later and work for longer. As stated by the study The Death of...

The Big Bank Theory

Fri 6/5/2016

How do you solve a problem like an ageing population? You re-establish the banks’ ability to provide advice that’s how. In a recent discussion paper by the FCA, it was suggested...
