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Always Look Eye!

Mr Miyagi was on to something in the 1980s blockbuster Karate Kid. He taught his apprentice, Daniel Son, the importance of maintaining eye contact. We totally agree, and think this is worth remembering when at interview.

  1. Stay calm and keep your composure throughout the meeting (and before!)
  2. Always look eye! It is often said that you must make eye contact when meeting the interviewer, which is true. Remember to continue to make regular eye contact throughout the duration of the meeting, and smile.
  3. Think before you speak. Absorb the question, think about it, and respond accordingly. Your answers are ultimately the reason why you are going to get this job, so if you need to take a few seconds to reflect, do so.
  4. When given the opportunity, most likely towards the end of the meeting, ask open questions that you may have for the interviewer on the firm or vacancy.
  5. We are firm believers that you should still wear a tie. Whilst they might not be the flavour of the month, appearance and first impressions are key. Give the shoes a polish and wear your smartest suit.